Saturday, September 15, 2007

Headlines for 09-14-07

Stopping the next war by Patrick J. Buchanan ** As for the "cakewalk" crowd that accused opponents of the war of lacking in patriotism, they never repented of their demagoguery. Despite the pre-invasion propaganda they pumped out about Saddam's awesome weapons and ties to 9/11, or their assurances that U.S. troops would be welcomed with candy and flowers, like Paris in '44, and their prediction that a democracy would arise in Iraq to which Islamic nations would look as a model, they have never been called to account. Now they are back with a new enemy for America to attack.

Franco-German split emerges on Iran sanctions "Germany is ready, if necessary, to take the necessary steps against Iran," Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger said. But as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Germany was also open to "giving Iran a chance to recover the international community's lost confidence in its nuclear program," Jaeger said at a regular news conference.

Iranian supreme leader slams Bush Speaking at Friday prayers, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he was sure President Bush would be tried in an international court for what had happened in Iraq.

Rice says U.S. needs to keep Iraq safe from Iran The United States wants to ensure Iraq's territorial integrity, including from "very troublesome neighbors" like Iran, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday. Talk about spin.

Dollar's retreat raises fear of collapse

War Against Iran and the Logic of Dominance ** Tom Donnelly was the main author of the neoconservative September 2000 blueprint for military policy in the Bush administration, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" which involved four prominent figures on the neoconservative right who would take prominent positions in the administration: Libby, Wolfowitz, Stephen A. Cambone, and John Bolton.

U.S.: Syria on Nuclear Watch List ** Thus will Syria be added to the US's hitlist based on dubious Israeli intel. Syria will get whacked when we hit Iran.

Powell shares advice with students "People around the world know the Declaration of Independence better than we do," he said, "and they keep looking to America to see that we haven't turned away from those words."

China emerges as leader in cyberwarfare an expert with the SANS Technology Institute, pointing to Israeli hacks against the US, and French hacks against European Union partners

US claims Hezbollah still smuggling arms through Syria

UNHCR lays on free meals for Iraqi refugees during Ramadan "It is so good to see this large number of people gathered to share food. We are all brothers ? Palestinian, Syrian and Iraqi, and we all help each other. Solidarity is our strength, our tradition. When Iraqis eat this meal at home, it is with a message that we welcome and support them,"

Mystery deepens over Israeli strike on Syria Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported this week a US official as saying that recent satellite imagery, mainly provided by Israel, suggested that Syria may building some form of nuclear facility with the help of material unloaded by North Korea. The operative words here being "provided by Israel".

Articles of faith "We were surprised by how nasty it got," says the Harvard professor. "The David Duke reference, the neo-Nazi websites - these were intended to smear us and swing attention on to us rather than to what we were saying. It wasn't pleasant, but it never made me doubt what we had written or doubt myself." Standing tall in the face of attack is one thing; to raise your head above the parapet for a second round is quite another. But that is what the Mearsheimer/Walt double act are doing: they have gone on the offensive with the publication of a book-length version of their original treatise. "When you know the truth, the truth makes you a soldier" - Gandhi

Syria denies U.S. media reports on Israeli warplanes attack

The Israel Lobby: Mearsheimer & Walt on Tour

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